That's all for now. So....
The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen: Funnier than the first time I read it, but Franzen is still an ass. Actually, I think I feel about Franzen in general the way I feel about watching all of The Simple Life, Season 2: I enjoyed the experience, laughed a lot, groaned a lot, and feel sleazy after. Actually I guess that makes reading Franzen like many things that people do shamefully, in private. Him as a person (read: utter contempt for all that is humane and compassionate) comes through so strongly that I sometimes began to feel nauseated. Also: Long-Winded Bastard (see: Literary Parlor Tricks For Dummies).
Guards! Guards! and Small Gods, Terry Pratchett: These books gave me tears. Literal tears of mirth and delight. Instead of a review, I'll refer you to St. Thomas Aquinas: "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible".
The Book of Daniel, E.L. Doctorow: Dear Kate. Normally when you push a book on me in such an aggressive fashion, I imagine it must be highly literary, studied extensively in the hallowed halls of the ivy league, cleverly written, and an astounding work of art. I imagine I will not like it one bit. When it comes to Doctorow, I am happy to be Very Wrong. Very Wrong Indeed.
Iron Sunrise, Charles Stross: Not as good as the first Eschaton-based novel. Couldn't tell you why.
Coraline, Neil Gaiman: Joyous. Creepy. Good.
WEEK 17 TOTAL: 14,239 PAGES!
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