Thursday, January 5, 2012

Geek Lightning

Kate Walsh

When other little girls pretended to be princesses, she pretended to be able to read.

When other kids were stealing their mom's clothes and jewelry, she stole her books.

Her idea of teenage rebellion was reading all of the books expressly banned by her Christian high school.

Instead of sticking with the practical chemistry major, she chose to succumb to fate and pursue the ultimate book geek goal. That's right. English literature.

This is the ultimate book geek.


  1. Dear Kate: This 'profile' should be placed under your page, "Kate". Please learn internets. Kthx, Rob.

  2. Why did you have to make this so complicated? By the way I think there is some law where your blog gets deleted if you use the expressions "lolz", kthnx" and "ttylomfgrolf" if you are older than fifteen.

  3. Complicated? I sent you a detailed, bullet-point-filled email on How To Do Computers. Maybe it's a mac problem.
